Exam Preparation Tasks
As mentioned in the section "How to Use This Book" in the Introduction, you have a couple of choices for exam preparation: the exercises here, Chapter 16, "Final Preparation," and the exam simulation questions on the CD-ROM.
Review All Key Topics
Review the most important topics in this chapter, noted with the Key Topics icon in the outer margin of the page. Table 6-3 lists a reference of these key topics and the page numbers on which each is found.

Table 6-3. Key Topics for Chapter 6
Key Topic Element |
Description |
Page Number |
Paragraph |
Describes the NTP preference hierarchy |
239 |
Paragraph |
Explains how to configure NTP authentication |
241 |
Section |
Explains logging message format, including options |
244 |
Table 6-2 |
Lists and defines message severity levels |
244 |
Paragraph/Figure 6-6 |
Demonstrates how to enable logging time stamps |
247–248 |
Paragraph |
Explains use of the ASDM Real-Time Log Viewer |
254 |
Paragraph |
Explains use of TCP-based syslog servers |
255 |
Command Reference to Check Your Memory
This section includes the most important configuration and EXEC commands covered in this chapter. It is not necessary to memorize the complete syntax of every command, but you should be able to remember the basic keywords that are needed.
To test your memory of the commands, cover the right side of Tables 6-4 and 6-5 with a piece of paper, read the description on the left side, and then see how much of the command you can remember.
Table 6-4. ASA Time-Related Commands
Task |
Command Syntax |
Set system time |
ciscoasa# clock set hh:mm:ss {month day | day month} year |
Set system time zone |
ciscoasa(config)# clock timezone zone [-]hours [minutes] |
Set Daylight Saving Time parameters |
ciscoasa(config)# clock summer-time zone recurring [week weekday month hh:mm week weekday month hh:mm] [offset] OR ciscoasa(config)# clock summer-time zone date {day month | month day} year hh:mm {day month | month day} year hh:mm [offset] |
Configure an NTP server |
ciscoasa(config)# ntp server ip_address [key key_id] [source interface_name] [prefer] |
Enable NTP authentication |
ciscoasa(config)# ntp authenticate |
Set a key to authenticate with an NTP server |
ciscoasa(config)# ntp authentication-key key_id md5 key |
Specify that a key is trusted (required for NTP authentication) |
ciscoasa(config)# ntp trusted-key key_id |
Display system time |
ciscoasa# show clock [detail] |
Display NTP associations |
ciscoasa# show ntp associations [detail] |
Table 6-5. ASA Logging Configuration Commands
Task |
Command Syntax |
Globally enable logging |
ciscoasa(config)# logging enable |
Configure save of buffered log to an FTP server before wrapping, and define an FTP server |
ciscoasa(config)# logging ftp-bufferwrap ciscoasa(config)# logging ftp-server ftp_server path username [0 | 8] password |
Include a time stamp on logged messages |
ciscoasa(config)# logging timestamp |
Include a device identifier on logged messages |
ciscoasa(config)# logging device-id {context-name | hostname | ipaddress interface_name | string text} |
Disable a system message |
ciscoasa(config)# no logging message syslog_id |
Change the severity level of a system message |
ciscoasa(config)# logging message syslog_id level level |
Create a logging list to be used with other commands |
ciscoasa(config)# logging list name {level level [class event_class] | message start_id[-end_id]} |
Log event messages to a particular destination |
ciscoasa(config)# logging [asdm | buffered | console | mail | monitor | trap] [logging_list | level] |
Define a syslog server |
ciscoasa(config)# logging host interface_name syslog_ip [tcp/port | udp/port] [format emblem] [secure] [permit-hostdown] |
Define an SMTP server |
ciscoasa(config)# smtp-server {primary_server} [backup_server] |
Configure source and destination email addresses |
ciscoasa(config)# logging from-address from-email-address ciscoasa(config)# logging recipient-address address [level level] |
Delay export of NetFlow flow-create events |
ciscoasa(config)# flow-export delay flow-create seconds |
Define a NetFlow collector |
ciscoasa(config)# flow-export destination interface-name ipv4-address | hostname udp-port |
Display log settings and buffered messages |
ciscoasa# show logging |
Display NetFlow counters |
ciscoasa# show flow-export counters |
Display logging queue statistics |
ciscoasa# show logging queue |
Adjust logging queue size |
ciscoasa(config)# logging queue [size] |
The FIREWALL exam focuses on practical, hands-on skills that are used by a networking professional. Therefore, you should be able to identify the commands needed to configure and test an ASA feature.