CompTIA Network+ N10-009 Cert Guide, 2nd Edition
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Exam Profiles

Exam profiles are the perfect tool to help you prepare for your next exam. Learn exam details, tips and tricks, recommended study resources, and much more.

Exam Profile: Cisco 200-301 CCNA
Wendell Odom explains the differences between the outgoing CCENT/CCNA exams and the new consolidated CCNA 200-301 exam, gives context for the exam as a stepping stone, and recommends additional study resources.
Exam Profile: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1001) & CompTIA A+ Core 2 (220-1002)
David L. Prowse walks through exam details, highlights trouble spots, offers preparation hints, recommends study resources, and suggests next steps for the CompTIA A+ Core exams.

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AWS Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics Services
In this chapter, dive into two of today's hottest topics in the IT industry, artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) services and data analytics services in AWS.
Risk Management
This chapter covers the following official Security+ exam objective: 5.2 Explain elements of the risk management process. You will learn the steps of the process, from risk identification and assessment, to risk management strategies and risk reporting.
Understanding Change Management's Security Impact
This chapter examines the critical role of change management processes in fortifying an organization's cybersecurity posture. Change management minimizes unplanned outages due to unauthorized alterations by helping to manage cybersecurity and operational risks.
Threats to Security
In this chapter, we will look at the various types of threats to security and why it's essential to understand them, common threat types and mitigations, advanced techniques used by threat actors, and ways to discover and mitigate vulnerabilities. Coverage includes DDoS, IDS, and IPS, based on Certified in Cybersecurity exam objective 4.2.

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