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Impact of AI in Other Emerging Technologies

This sample chapter explains the complex interplay between AI and four other pivotal domains: quantum computing, blockchain technologies, autonomous vehicles and drones, and edge computing.

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We stand at the convergence of several revolutionary technologies that promise to reshape not just companies and governments, but the very fabric of modern society itself. The AI revolution is not an isolated phenomenon; it is acting as a catalyst that amplifies and integrates with other groundbreaking technologies, enriching their potential and accelerating their adoption. This chapter explains the complex interplay between AI and four other pivotal domains: quantum computing, blockchain technologies, autonomous vehicles and drones, and edge computing.

The fusion of AI and quantum computing has opened new dimensions in computational capability. This could give us the tools to solve complex problems that were once considered impossible to crack. The interaction between these technologies holds the promise to revolutionize fields like cryptography, materials science, and financial modeling. AI’s convergence with blockchain could offer possibilities for secure, transparent, and decentralized systems. What if AI can revolutionize data integrity, financial transactions, and even democratic processes?

The integration of AI in self-driving cars and drones has transcended the realm of science fiction and entered practical implementation. You might be driving a Tesla from New York to North Carolina in self-driving mode or enhanced autopilot. Your car is using AI and machine learning (ML). Additionally, from supply chain optimization to emergency response, the impact of the combination of AI and transportation is definitely transformative.

By pushing AI analytics to the edge of the network, closer to where data is generated, edge computing enables real-time decision-making and reduces the latency that could have catastrophic consequences in applications like healthcare and industrial automation. In this chapter, we explore these intersections and survey how AI acts as both a catalyst and a beneficiary in its relationships with these other transformative technologies.

Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence

Before we start discussing the impact of AI in emerging technology, let’s discuss a few government efforts to ensure the responsible use and development of AI, recognizing its significant potential for both positive and negative impacts. The key objectives include solving urgent challenges, enhancing prosperity, productivity, innovation, and security, while mitigating the risks associated with AI, such as exacerbating societal harms, displacing workers, stifling competition, and posing national security threats. The United States Government emphasizes the need for a society-wide effort involving government, the private sector, academia, and civil society to harness AI for good and mitigate its risks. The executive order and related resources can be accessed at: https://ai.gov.

The impact of this Executive Order on emerging technologies, particularly AI, will be multifaceted. By emphasizing the need for safe and secure AI, the order will push for robust evaluations and standardized testing of AI systems. This focus on safety and security will likely influence the development and deployment of emerging technologies, ensuring they are reliable and ethically operated.

The order aims to promote responsible innovation and a competitive environment for AI technologies. This could lead to increased investments in AI-related education, training, and research, and address intellectual property challenges. The emphasis on a fair and open AI marketplace may encourage innovation and provide opportunities for small developers and entrepreneurs. By prioritizing the adaptation of job training and education to support a diverse workforce in the AI era, the order will likely influence how emerging technologies are integrated into the workforce. It aims to ensure that AI deployment improves job quality and augments human work, rather than causing disruptions or undermining worker rights.

The order’s focus on aligning AI policies with equity and civil rights objectives will influence how AI and other emerging technologies are developed and used. This may lead to more rigorous standards and evaluations to prevent AI systems from deepening discrimination or bias, thereby impacting how these technologies are designed and implemented. By enforcing consumer protection laws and principles in the context of AI, the order will impact how emerging technologies are used in sectors like healthcare, financial services, education, and transportation. The emphasis on privacy and civil liberties will guide the development and use of technologies in ways that respect personal data and mitigate privacy risks.

The order’s focus on global leadership and cooperation will influence the international framework for managing AI’s risks. This could lead to more standardized global approaches to AI safety, security, and ethical use, impacting how emerging technologies are developed and deployed worldwide.

The order mentions the use of significant computing power for training AI models using primarily biological sequence data, highlighting the scale and complexity involved in AI applications in biological contexts. The Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is tasked with establishing criteria and mechanisms for identifying biological sequences that could pose a national security risk. This includes developing standardized methodologies and tools for screening and verifying the performance of sequence synthesis procurement, as well as customer screening approaches to manage security risks posed by purchasers of these biological sequences.

The order defines “dual-use foundation models” as AI models that could be easily modified to exhibit high performance in tasks posing serious risks to security, including the design, synthesis, acquisition, or use of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons. This shows concern about the potential for AI to lower barriers to entry in creating biological threats.

The order specifically mandates actions to understand and mitigate risks of AI being misused in the development or use of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threats, particularly focusing on biological weapons. This involves both the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security. The order calls for an assessment of how AI can increase biosecurity risks, particularly those arising from generative AI models trained on biological data. It also stresses the importance of considering the national security implications of using data associated with pathogens and omics studies for training generative AI models, with a view to mitigating these risks.

These efforts are set to significantly influence the landscape and impact of AI in emerging technologies. By establishing a framework that prioritizes safety, security, responsible innovation, and equitable practices, the order will guide the ethical development and deployment of these technologies. It emphasizes robust testing, privacy protection, and the integration of AI in a manner that benefits society while mitigating risks such as discrimination, bias, and threats to civil liberties. Additionally, the focus on encouraging a competitive AI marketplace, supporting workforce development, and engaging in global cooperation suggests a future where AI and related technologies are not only technologically advanced but also socially responsible and aligned with broader human values. This approach is intended to shape the direction of technological innovation, ensuring that it advances in tandem with ethical standards and societal needs.

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