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Foundation Topics
Routed Data Plane Attack Types
As stated in previous chapters, understanding the attack makes the mitigation of the attack easier to accomplish. The routed infrastructure encompasses a large part of people's everyday lives, and because of this, it is a very large attack target. The following sections review the attacks that are targeted at the routed data plane.
The most common types of routed data plane attacks are
- IP spoofing
- Slow-path denial of service
- Traffic flooding
IP Spoofing
Although IP spoofing has been covered in earlier chapters, it is reviewed here. With IP spoofing, an attacker attempts to send and receive traffic on the network using an IP address of another known host or known network. The attacker is then able to use resources on the network that are associated with that specific IP address. IP spoofing is just as much of a threat on the routed network as it is with the switched network, but it is mitigated using different techniques and technologies. The three primary methods used to perform IP spoofing are as follows:
- Injecting packets with the IP address of an existing host
- Spoofing an existing host using source routing
- Injecting packets from nonexisting hosts to perform a denial of service attack.
Slow-Path Denial of Service
Generic denial of service attacks are well known because they are rather simple to understand. A host or group of hosts attempts to deny a specific service or services to their intended audience, typically through the flooding of traffic to the targeted sites. Slow-path denial of service looks to deny a service or services by sending a large number of packets through the routed pieces of equipment that are required to be process switched. Process switching compared with other alternatives is the "slow path" through the equipment. The CPU of each device is tasked to perform three functions:
- Process control plane traffic
- Process management plane traffic
- Process slow-path data plane traffic
This chapter focuses on the methods of mitigating slow-path data plane attacks.
Traffic Flooding
This attack type involves the flooding of packets at a specific target. Typically, these types of attack are focused on breaking down the functionality of the target host. The techniques described in this chapter can be used to mitigate traffic-flooding attacks on not only the data plane but also the control and management planes.
Routed Data Plane Security Technologies
A number of different security technologies can be used to mitigate the attacks covered in the previous sections. A description of these technologies and how to implement them will be covered in the following sections.
Access Control Lists (ACL)
ACLs are rules that deny or permit packets coming into or out of an interface. An ACL typically consists of multiple ACL entries (ACE), organized internally by the router. When a packet is subjected to access control, the router searches this linked list in order from top to bottom to find a matching element. The matching element is then examined to determine whether the packet is permitted or denied.
ACLs can be used to mitigate a number of attacks and can also be used in combination with other technologies to mitigate many more. ACLs can be used in small businesses or at the edge of larger businesses to mitigate both IP spoofing and slow-path denial of service attacks. These types of ACLs are called infrastructure ACLs because they look to protect not just the device but also the entire infrastructure. To mitigate IP spoofing attacks, an ACL is configured to automatically disallow inbound traffic that has a source IP address that is known to be inside the network. When being legitimately routed, these addresses, which are inside the network, will never be sourced outside the network. ACLs can also be used to screen traffic that has been sent in an effort to slow the device by forcing its traffic to be process switched. In small amounts, this is not an issue, but when a large number of packets need to be process switched, it has the chance of affecting the performance of the device.
Figure 8-1 shows the behavior of a router that has an ACL configured on its interfaces.

Figure 8-1 High-Level Overview of How an ACL Is Processed by a Router
The function of ACLs includes their ability to
- Control the transmission of packets coming into or out of an interface
- Control virtual terminal line access
- Restrict contents of routing updates
- Define interesting traffic
There are two different methods to configure an ACL:
- Numbered ACLs: These are entered one line at a time, and the list is scanned for a match in that same order. If a change is required, the entire list must be reentered.
- Named ACLs: Theses provide a method of configuration that does not require the complete reentry of the ACL.
The ACL criteria that can be used is quite large and includes information like the source and destination network layer information as well as a number of different fields provided by upper-layer protocols.
At the end of each ACL, there is an implied deny for traffic that has not been previously permitted. There must be at least one permit statement in an ACL; otherwise, all traffic will be blocked.
ACLs also have the capability to drop or ignore packets based on whether they contain any IP options. There are two ways in which this can be controlled: through the IP Options Selective Drop feature or through the use of the option keyword when creating an extended named access list. The IP Options Selective Drop feature is used by issuing the ip options {drop | ignore} global configuration command.
Determining Where and When to Configure Access Lists
To provide the security benefits of ACLs, at a minimum an ACL should be configured on the border routers, which are routers situated at the edges of the network. This setup provides a basic buffer from the outside network or from a less-controlled area of the network into a more sensitive area of the network.
An ACL can be configured so that inbound traffic or outbound traffic, or both, are filtered on an interface. ACLs should be defined on a per-protocol basis. In other words, an ACL should be defined for every protocol enabled on an interface if that protocols traffic is to be controlled.
Types of ACLs
Cisco IOS Software supports the following types of ACLs for IP:

- Standard ACLs: Use source addresses for matching operations.
- Extended ACLs: Use source and destination addresses for matching operations and optional protocol type information for finer granularity of control.
- Reflexive ACLs: Allow IP packets to be filtered based on session information. Reflexive ACLs contain temporary entries and are nested within extended-named IP ACLs.
- Time-based ACLs: As the name intuitively indicates, these ACLs are triggered by a time function.
The following sections discuss each type of ACL in detail.
Standard ACLs
Standard ACLs are the oldest type of ACLs, dating back as early as Cisco IOS Software Release 8.3. Standard ACLs control traffic by comparing the source address of the traffic to the addresses configured in the ACL.
The following is the command syntax format of a standard 3ACL:
router(config)# access-list access-list-number {permit | deny} {host | source source-wildcard | any} [log]
router(config)# ip access-list standard {access-list-number |access-list-name} permit {host host | source source-wildcard | any} [log]
In all software releases, the access list number for standard IP access lists can be anything from 1 to 99. Table 8-2 shows the various protocol options and their corresponding number range for the ACL identification. In Cisco IOS Software Release 12.0.1, standard IP ACLs began using additional numbers (1300 to 1999). These additional numbers are referred to as expanded IP ACLs. In addition to using numbers to identify ACLs, Cisco IOS Software Release 11.2 and later added the ability to use the list name in standard IP ACLs.

Table 8-2. Protocols and Their Corresponding Number Identification for an ACL
Protocol |
Range |
Standard IP |
1–99 and 1300–1999 |
Extended IP |
100–199 and 2000–2699 |
Ethernet type code |
200–299 |
Ethernet address |
700–799 |
Transparent bridging (protocol type) |
200–299 |
Transparent bridging (vendor code) |
700–799 |
Extended transparent bridging |
1100–1199 |
DECnet and extended DECnet |
300–399 |
Xerox Network Systems (XNS) |
400–499 |
Extended XNS |
500–599 |
AppleTalk |
600–699 |
Source-route bridging (protocol type) |
200–299 |
Source-route bridging (vendor code) |
700–799 |
Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) |
800–899 |
Extended IPX |
900–999 |
IPX Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) |
1000–1099 |
Standard Virtual Integrated Network Service (VINES) |
1–100 |
Extended VINES |
101–200 |
Simple VINES |
201–300 |
The log option enables the monitoring of how many packets are permitted or denied by a particular ACL, including the source address of each packet. The logging message includes the ACL number, whether the packet was permitted or denied, the source IP address of the packet, and the number of packets from that source permitted or denied in the prior 5-minute interval.
Wildcard masks are used in conjunction with IP addresses to identify the source address in an ACL. Wildcard masks are also known as reverse netmasks and are one of the topics that many people have considerable problem understanding. In an effort to make this a little clearer, an example will be shown. So, if the netmask normally is, it's this in binary:
- 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000
Swapping the bits yields the reverse netmask, shown as follows:
- 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111
- (the wildcard mask)
Another way to calculate the wildcard mask is to take the network mask and subtract each octet from 255. If the network mask is, for example, the wildcard is calculated by subtracting it from 255 on each octet, yielding a wildcard mask.
After defining an ACL, it must be applied to the interface (inbound or outbound):
router(config)# interface interface router(config-if)# ip access-group number {in | out}
Example 8-1 shows the use of a standard IP ACL to block all traffic except that from source 192.168.100.x.
Example 8-1. Sample ACL Configuration Permitting Network into the FastEthernet 0/0 Interface and Implicitly Denying All Other IP Traffic
router(config)# interface FastEthernet0/0 router(config-if)# ip address router(config-if)# access-group 1 in router(config)# access-list 1 permit
The terms in, out, source, and destination are used as referenced by the router. Traffic on the router could be compared to traffic on the highway. If a law enforcement officer in the United States wanted to stop a truck coming from Mexico and traveling to Canada, the truck's source would be Mexico and the truck's destination would be Canada. The roadblock could be applied at the U.S./Mexican border (in) or the U.S./Canadian border (out).
With regard to a router, these terms mean the following:
- In: Traffic that is arriving on the interface and that will go through the router; the source is where it has been, and the destination is where it is going.
- Out: Traffic that has already been through the router and is leaving the interface; the source is where it has been, and the destination is where it is going.
Extended IP ACLs
Extended IP ACLs were introduced in Cisco IOS Software Release 8.3. Extended IP ACLs can control traffic by not only comparing the source IP addresses but also comparing the destination IP address as well as other information, including the source and destination port numbers of the IP packets to those configured in the ACL.
The following is the command syntax format of extended IP ACLs:
router(config)# access-list access-list-number [dynamic dynamic-name [timeout minutes]]{deny | permit} protocol source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard [precedence precedence] [tos tos] [log | log-input] [time- range time-range-name]
router(config)# ip access-list extended {access-list-number | access-list-name} router(config-std-nacl)# [sequence-number] permit protocol source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard [option option-value] [precedence precedence] [tos tos] [time-range time-range-name] [log]
router(config-ext-nacl)# [sequence-number] permit protocol source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard [option option-value] [precedenceprecedence] [tos tos] [time-range time-range-name] [log]
In all software releases, the access list number for extended IP access lists can be 101 to 199. In Cisco IOS Software Release 12.0.1, extended IP ACLs began using additional numbers (2000 to 2699). These additional numbers are referred to as expanded IP ACLs. Cisco IOS Software Release 11.2 added the ability to use the list name in extended IP ACLs.
Example 8-2 shows an extended IP ACL used to permit traffic on the 192.168.100.x network (inside) and to receive ping responses from the outside while preventing unsolicited pings from people outside (permitting all other traffic).
Example 8-2. Sample Configuration for an Extended IP ACL
router(config)# access-list 101 deny icmp any echo router(config)# access-list 101 permit ip any router(config)# interface FastEthernet0/0 router(config-if)# ip address router(config-if)# ip access-group 101 in
Reflexive ACLs
Cisco IOS Software Release 11.3 introduced reflexive ACLs. Reflexive ACLs enable IP packets to be filtered based on upper-layer session information.
They are generally used in one of two ways:
- To allow outbound traffic out of an interface facing away from the internal network and filtering inbound traffic based on existing sessions originating inside the internal network
- To allow all inbound traffic to an interface facing toward the internal network and filtering outbound traffic based on the existing session originating inside the internal network
The former of these two is more typical with a network that does not utilize a demilitarized zone (DMZ). The latter is used to allow traffic into a DMZ but to not allow that traffic into the internal network without a previous connection initiated inside the internal network. Both of these are shown in Figures 8-2 and 8-3.
Reflexive ACLs can be defined only with extended named IP ACLs. They cannot be defined with numbered, standard named IP ACLs or with other protocol ACLs. Reflexive ACLs can be used in conjunction with other standard and static extended IP ACLs. The syntax for configuring a reflexive ACL is as follows:
router(config)# ip access-list extended {access-list-number | access-list-name} router(config-ext-nacl)# [sequence-number] permit protocol source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard reflect name
router(config-ext-nacl)# evaluate
Example 8-3 demonstrates, by using Figure 8-2, the process of permitting all TCP traffic outbound and inbound TCP traffic that was initiated from inside the network.

Figure 8-2 Outbound Reflexive Diagram
Example 8-3. Sample Configuration for an Outbound Reflexive ACL
router(config)# ip access-list extended outgoing router(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any any reflect tcp-traffic router(config)# ip access-list extended incoming router(config-ext-nacl)# evaluate tcp-traffic router(config)# interface Serial0/0 router(config-if)# ip address router(config-if)# ip access-group incoming in router(config-if)# ip accesss-group outgoing out
Example 8-4 demonstrates, by using Figure 8-3, the process of permitting all TCP traffic inbound and outbound TCP traffic that was initiated from inside the network.

Figure 8-3 Inbound Reflexive Diagram
Example 8-4. Sample Configuration for an Inbound Reflexive ACL
router(config)# ip access-list extended incoming router(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any any reflect tcp-traffic router(config)# ip access-list extended outgoing router(config-ext-nacl)# evaluate tcp-traffic router(config)# interface FastEthernet0/0 router(config-if)# ip address router(config-if)# ip access-group incoming in router(config-if)# ip accesss-group outgoing out
Time-Based ACLs
Cisco IOS Software Release 12.0.1.T introduced time-based ACLs. Although similar to extended IP ACLs in function, they allow access control based on time. To implement time-based ACLs, a time range is created that defines specific times of the day and week. The time range is identified by a name and then referenced by a function. Therefore, the time restrictions are imposed on the function itself. The time range relies on the router's system clock. The router clock can be used solely, but the feature works best when Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronization is used on the device.
Time-based ACL commands require the following syntax:
router(config)# time-range time-range-name router(config-time-range)# periodic days-of-the-week hh:mm to [days-of-the- week] hh:mm router(config-time-range)# absolute [start time date] [end time date]
router(config)# access-list access-list-number protocol source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard [time-range time-range-name]
router(config)# ip access-list extended {access-list-number | access-list-name} router(config-ext-nacl)# [sequence-number] permit protocol source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard [time-range time-range-name]
router(config)# ip access-list extended {access-list-number | access-list-name} router(config-ext-nacl)# [sequence-number] permit protocol source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard [precedence precedence] [tos tos] [time-range time-range-name] [log]
Example 8-5 shows a Telnet connection permitted from the outside the network ( to the inside of the network ( on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday during the hours of 7 a.m. through 6 p.m.
Example 8-5. Sample Configuration for Time-Range ACL
router(config)# interface FastEthernet0/0 router(config-if)# ip address router(config)# interface FastEthernet0/1 router(config-if)# ip address router(config-if)# ip access-group 101 in router(config)# access-list 101 permit tcp eq telnet time-range TelnetAccess router(config)# time-range TelnetAccess router(config-time-range)# periodic Monday Tuesday Thursday 7:00 to 18:00
Time ranges offer many possible benefits, including the following:
- The network administrator has more control over permitting or denying a user access to resources. These resources include an application (identified by an IP address/mask pair and a port number), policy routing, or an on-demand link (identified as interesting traffic to the dialer).
- When provider access rates vary by time of day, it is possible to automatically reroute traffic cost-effectively.
- Service providers can dynamically change a committed access rate (CAR) configuration to support the quality of service (QoS) service-level agreements (SLA) that are negotiated for certain times of day.
- Network administrators can control logging messages. ACL entries can log traffic at certain times of the day but not constantly. Therefore, administrators can just deny access without analyzing the many logs generated during peak hours.
- Policy-based routing and queuing functions are enhanced.
ACL Verification
There are a number of different show commands that can be used to verify ACL configuration.
To display the contents of all current access lists, enter the following command:
show access-list [access-list-number | access-list-name}
To display the contents of all current IP access lists, enter the following command:
show ip access-list [access-list-number | access-list-name}
Flexible Packet Matching
Flexible Packet Matching (FPM) was created to be a more thorough and customized packet filter option. FPM enables the user to configure match parameters based on arbitrary bits of a packet and arbitrary depths within the packet header and payload. This technique can be used to mitigate several different types of attack, including slow-path denial of service and zero-day virus and malware.
FPM is implemented using a filtering policy that is divided into four tasks:
- Loading of a Protocol Header Description File (PHDF)
- Defining a class map and a specific protocol stack chain (traffic class)
- Defining a service policy (traffic policy)
- Application of a service policy on a specific interface

FPM Restrictions
As with all technologies, a number of different restrictions must be known before attempting to configure FPM. The main restrictions for FPM include
- FPM is stateless; it cannot keep track of traffic flows through the configured interface (for example, port numbers).
- FPM inspects only IPv4 unicast packets.
- FPM cannot classify packets with IP options.
- FPM is not supported on tunnel or Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) interfaces.
- FPM cannot be configured on FlexWAN cards.
- Noninitial fragments will not be matched by FPM.
Protocol Header Description File
With FPM, two different methods can be used to match specific traffic: the use of a Protocol Header Description File (PHDF) and/or the direct matching of traffic based on length and offset, or a mix of the two. A PHDF is used to define the various field names within a specific protocol. For example, the IP.phdf file has a field defined for each field in an IP header (that is, Version, Header Length, ToS, and so on), and TCP.phdf has a field defined for each field in the TCP header (that is, Source and Destination Port, Sequence Number, Acknowledgment Number, and so on). To take advantage of these field names, this file must first be loaded with the load protocol global configuration command. Loading a PHDF file also provides the ability to use the match field class map configuration command, which provides the ability to match based on this PHDF field information. Without loading the PHDF file, only the match start class map configuration command is supported, which provides the capability to match based on specific length and offset information. Both of these commands provide different methods for matching specific information within the packet and will be covered in more depth in the following sections. It is also possible for PHDFs to be custom written for other protocols; PHDFs are XML files and can be easily adapted for these purposes. The specific command syntax required to load the PHDF files is as follows:
router(config)# load protocol location:filename
Example 8-6 demonstrates the loading of both the IP and TCP PHDF files for use with the match field command.
Example 8-6. Sample Configuration for the load protocol Command
router(config)# load protocol system:fpm/phdf/ip.phdf router(config)# load protocol system:fpm/phdf/tcp.phdf
Defining a Traffic Class
When creating a traffic class, its purpose is to define a number of criteria that are used to match specific traffic based on stateless packet classification. A simple example of this would be to match based on TCP traffic with a port number equal to 80 (web traffic). Of course, this type of example is simple and can be accomplished with common access list commands that are used more often for these types of matches. However, FPM provides the capability to not only match based on a specific criteria like a TCP port number but also based on a specific set of criteria, such as TCP port 80, with an IP packet length of less than 400 bytes, with a specific pattern 4 bytes long at offset 400. Now at first glance, why would someone need this capability? Well in the modern world, a number of threats exist, many of which are being created every day. Many of these are caught and prevented using tools such as intrusion protection systems (IPS); however, some attacks are so new that a signature is not yet available for the IPS. This is where the flexibility of FPM comes in handy. If an attack is occurring and a pattern is able to be distinguished, FPM can be used to surgically drop these attack packets inline without interruption of other uninfected traffic.
With FPM, two different methods can be used to configure traffic classes:
- Traffic can be classified using a Traffic Classification Definition File (TCDF).
- Traffic can be classified through the CLI using class maps.
When using a TCDF, a file must be created and then loaded. The TCDF file uses XML and is rather simple to create. TCDFs offer a method of implementing the same matching criteria as the CLI commands, but allow them to be repetitively used over a number of different devices without the hassle of manually adding commands on each device. The steps used to create the match criteria are the same as when using the CLI. These specific steps will be covered in the text that follows in CLI terms, and specific examples will be included showing the correct TCDF format. Use of a TCDF requires the load classification command to load the TCDF file on the device. The command syntax required for this command is as follows:
router(config)# load classification location:filename
Because CLI configuration is the most commonly understood method of configuration, this type of configuration will be covered in depth. The first thing that must be configured with the CLI is a class map; this is done using the class-map command. This command is well known because it is used for many other tasks within IOS and is configured similarly. Two class map types are used with FPM:

- Stack: Specifies the specific protocol stacks that will be used to match (for example, IP, TCP, UDP) and can be only used with the match-all keyword.
- Access control: Matches specific patterns within the traffic of interest.
The command syntax required to create these class maps is as follows:
router(config)# class-map type [stack | access-control] [match-all | match-any] class-map-name
<?xml version"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tcdf> <class name="class-name" type="stack | access-control" match="any | all"></class> ... </tcdf>
The second part of this process is configuring specific match criteria; to do this, the match start and the match field commands are used. As stated earlier, the match field command only works after a PHDF has been loaded. The match field command is used to match based on the PHDF fields loaded. The match start command is used to match a specific pattern based on a specific offset and length and whether to begin inspection at the beginning of the Layer 3 packet header or at the beginning of the Layer 2 frame header. The command syntax for these commands is as follows:
router(config-cmap)# match field protocol protocol-field [eq | neq | gt | lt | range range] value next next-protocol router(config-cmap)# match start [l2-start | l3-start] offset offset size size [eq | neq | gt | lt | range range] value
<?xml version"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tcdf> ... <match> <[eq | neq | gt | lt] field="field-name" value="value"></[eq | neq | gt | lt]> <range field="field-name" from="beginning-value" to="ending- value"></range> </match> ... </tcdf>
To wrap up all the different commands required for a traffic class, Example 8-7 shows a sample configuration. In this example, two different separate class maps are being created:
- tcp-class: This class map is configured to match the IP protocol header field when it is equal to 0x6 (TCP) and tells FPM that the next protocol to be analyzed will be TCP.
- sample-match: This class map is configured to match traffic that has a TCP destination port that is equal to 0x50 (80) and has the contents "0x1234" at offset 200 in the IP packet.
Example 8-7. Sample Traffic Class Configuration
CLI: router(config)# class-map type stack match-all tcp-class router(config-cmap)# match field ip protocol eq 0x6 next tcp router(config)# class-map type access-control match-all sample-match router(config-cmap)# match field tcp dest-port eq 0x50 router(config-cmap)# match start l3-start offset 200 size 2 eq 0x1234 TCDF: <?xml version"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tcdf> <class name="tcp-class" type="stack" match="all"> <match> <eq field="ip.protocol" value="0x6" next="tcp"></eq> </match> </class> <class name="sample-match" type="access-control" match="all"> <match> <eq field="tcp.dest-port" value="0x50"></eq> <eq start="l3-start" offset="200" size="2" value="0x1234"></eq> </match> </class> </tcdf>
Defining a Traffic Policy
The next step is to configure what to do with the traffic that was matched with the class map; this is done through the creation of a traffic policy. The policy must use one (or more) of the configured traffic classes to match specific traffic and then configure what to do with this traffic after it is found.
The first part required for the configuration of a traffic policy is the creation of a policy map using the policy-map command; the command syntax for this command is as follows:
router(config)# policy-map type access-control policy-map-name
<?xml version"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tcdf> ... <policy name="policy-name"></policy> ... </tcdf>
The second part of the process is specifying a traffic class that is configured using the class command; the command syntax for this command is as follows:
router(config-pmap)# class class-name
<?xml version"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tcdf> ... <class name="policy-name"></class> ... </tcdf>
The final part of the process is configuring what action will be taken should a match occur; the command syntax for this command is as follows:
router(config-pmap-c)# drop
<?xml version"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tcdf> ... <action>Drop</action> ... </tcdf>
An additional part can be added to a traffic policy by nesting policies. To take advantage of this functionality, the service-policy command is used, and the syntax is as follows:
router(config-pmap-c)# service-policy policy-map-name
<?xml version"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tcdf> ... <action>service-policy policy-map-name</action> ... </tcdf>
There also seems to be a caveat when utilizing nesting policies with a TCDF file: The action tag will only allow a policy map name of up to 16 characters, which is not true when configuring nesting using only the CLI.
To wrap up the different commands required for a traffic policy, Example 8-8 shows a sample configuration. In this example, two different policy maps are created. One of these policy maps is then configured to nest inside the other. This traffic policy would be processed like this:
Step 1. Within the tcp-policy policy map, all traffic that is matched with the class map tcp-class will be sent to the tcp-policy-nest policy. (This would include all TCP traffic.)
Step 2. Within the tcp-policy-nest policy map, all traffic matching the class map sample-match would be dropped. (This would include traffic with a TCP destination port 0x50 (80) and has the contents "0x1234" at offset 200 in the IP packet.)
Example 8-8. Sample Traffic Policy Configuration
CLI: router(config)# policy-map type access-control tcp-policy-nest router(config-pmap)# class sample-match router(config-pmap-c)# drop router(config)# policy-map type access-control tcp-policy router(config-pmap)# class tcp-class router(config-pmap-c)# service-policy tcp-policy-nest TCDF: <?xml version"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tcdf> ... <policy type="access-control" name="tcp-policy-nest"> <class name="sample-match"></class> <action>Drop</action> </policy> <policy type="access-control" name="tcp-policy"> <class name="tcp-class"></class> <action>service-policy tcp-policy-nest</action> </policy> ... </tcdf>
Application of a Traffic Policy
The final step in this process is the application of the traffic policy on a specific interface. This application can be configured in either an incoming (input) or an outgoing (output) direction. The service-policy type access-control command is used to apply a specific traffic policy to an interface; the syntax for this command is as follows:
router(config-if)# service-policy type access-control [input | output] policy- map-name
Example 8-9 shows the application of the tcp policy policy map onto the FastEthernet0/0 interface.
Example 8-9. Sample Traffic Policy Application Configuration
CLI: router(config)# interface FastEthernet0/0 router(config-if)# service-policy type access-control input tcp-policy
FPM Verification
Many different show commands can be used to verify FPM configuration.
To show which specific PHDFs are loaded and which fields are supported, enter the following command:
show protocols phdf phdf-name
To display the current traffic classes configured and matching criteria, enter the following command:
show class-map type [stack | access-control]
To display the current traffic policies, enter the following command:
show policy-map type access-control {interface interface}
Flexible NetFlow
As the name suggests, Flexible NetFlow is a more flexible version of NetFlow that allows additional options that make it superior to the original in many ways. These additional benefits include
- Scalable, aggregatable high-capacity flow information
- Enhanced flow structure focused on additional security-monitoring capabilities
- Flexible key and nonkey field configuration
- NetFlow Version 9 export format (flexible structure)
- Comprehensive IP and BGP accounting
Both NetFlow and Flexible NetFlow work by identifying and recording flow information. A flow is a group of packets that have the same key fields. With the original version of NetFlow, these key fields were static and included: source and destination IP addresses, source and destination ports, protocol, interface, and class of service (CoS). Along with this key field information, nonkey fields, including the number of packets and number of total bytes, were also recorded. Flexible NetFlow allows these key and nonkey fields to be customizable and thus can be used in a large number of ways, depending on the specific information that is being sought.
So, the next question is "What can Flexible NetFlow be used for?" There are a number of things, from traffic accounting to capacity planning to security monitoring. This includes the ability to track slow-path and normal denial of service attacks and attack attempts. The following is a list (per Cisco) of typical Flexible NetFlow uses:
- Network monitoring
- Application monitoring and profiling
- User monitoring and profiling
- Network planning and analysis
- Security analysis
- Billing and accounting
- Data warehousing and data mining
A couple of main components must be understood to configure Flexible NetFlow, as outlined in Table 8-3.

Table 8-3. Flexible NetFlow Components
Component |
Description |
NetFlow records |
As information is collected by NetFlow, flows are defined by the configured key and nonkey fields. When there is a unique match of key fields, the matching traffic information will be recorded in a cache as a NetFlow record. As additional matching traffic occurs, the record is updated with this additional information (for example, byte counts increase if the field is configured). With Flexible NetFlow, there are predefined and user-defined record layout possibilities. |
Flow monitors |
Flow monitors are attached to interfaces and perform the network-monitoring tasks. The flow monitor is configured with a specific record format, an optional flow exporter, and a cache. |
Flow exporters |
A flow exporter's job is rather self explanatory: It exports data from the NetFlow cache to a remote system. With Flexible NetFlow, this is typically done using the NetFlow Data Export Format, V9. |
Flow samplers |
A flow sampler reduces the load on the network device. By default, NetFlow records flows based on all the traffic in a specific direction (or both if configured). Because this can constitute a large amount of traffic on busy devices, the concept of a flow sampler was created. A flow sampler is configured to change the number of packet captures from all packets to a sampled number of packets based on configuration (for example, every other packet—50%). |
NetFlow Records
The first thing that must be covered with NetFlow records is key and nonkey fields and the difference between them. The difference is rather simple: A key field is used to identify a specific flow, whereas a nonkey field is simply recorded as part of an already identified flow. This difference is important when utilizing the user-defined options available with Flexible NetFlow.
Now with the original NetFlow, the key and nonkey fields were static and provided no flexibility. Flexible NetFlow resolved this by allowing user-defined record structures. However, because original NetFlow has an established configuration base, it was important to include backward compatibility. Table 8-4 displays the NetFlow Original/NetFlow IPv4 Original Input record format, and Table 8-5 displays the NetFlow IPv4 Original Output record format; both of the tables include key/nonkey field information.
Table 8-4. NetFlow Original/NetFlow IPv4 Original Input Format
Field |
Key or Nonkey |
Description |
IP ToS |
Key |
Value of the IP ToS field |
IP Protocol |
Key |
Value of the IP Protocol field |
IP Source Address |
Key |
— |
IP Destination Address |
Key |
— |
Transport Source Port |
Key |
Transport layer source port |
Transport Destination Port |
Key |
Transport layer destination port |
Interface Input |
Key |
Receiving interface |
Flow Sampler ID |
Key |
ID of the flow sampler (if used) |
IP Source AS |
Nonkey |
Source Autonomous System Number |
IP Destination AS |
Nonkey |
Destination Autonomous System Number |
IP Next Hop Address |
Nonkey |
Next-hop IP address |
IP Source Mask |
Nonkey |
— |
IP Destination Mask |
Nonkey |
— |
TCP Flags |
Nonkey |
Value of the TCP Flag field |
Interface Output |
Nonkey |
Transmitting Interface |
Counter Bytes |
Nonkey |
— |
Counter Packets |
Nonkey |
— |
Time Stamp System Uptime First |
Nonkey |
System uptime, when the first packet was switched |
Time Stamp System Uptime Last |
Nonkey |
System uptime, when the last packet was switched |
Table 8-5. NetFlow IPv4 Original Output Format
Field |
Key or Nonkey |
Description |
IP ToS |
Key |
Value of the IP ToS field |
IP Protocol |
Key |
Value of the IP Protocol field |
IP Source Address |
Key |
— |
IP Destination Address |
Key |
— |
Transport Source Port |
Key |
Transport layer source port |
Transport Destination Port |
Key |
Transport layer destination port |
Interface Output |
Key |
Transmitting interface |
Flow Sampler ID |
Key |
ID of the flow sampler (if used) |
IP Source AS |
Nonkey |
Source Autonomous System Number |
IP Destination AS |
Nonkey |
Destination Autonomous System Number |
IP Next Hop Address |
Nonkey |
Next-hop IP address |
IP Source Mask |
Nonkey |
— |
IP Destination Mask |
Nonkey |
— |
TCP Flags |
Nonkey |
Value of the TCP Flag field |
Interface Input |
Nonkey |
Receiving interface |
Counter Bytes |
Nonkey |
— |
Counter Packets |
Nonkey |
— |
Time Stamp System Uptime First |
Nonkey |
System uptime, when the first packet was switched |
Time Stamp System Uptime Last |
Nonkey |
System uptime, when the last packet was switched |
As can be seen, a large amount of information was recorded in this original format. Flexible NetFlow provides the capability to pare down these fields to only those needed. To use only specific fields, a user-defined record format would be defined. The command syntax required to create this record format is as follows:
router(config)# flow record flow-record-name
To specify key fields:
router(config-flow-record)# match [ipv4 | ipv6 | datalink | routing | flow | interface} options
To specify nonkey fields:
router(config-flow-record)# collect [counter | ipv4 | ipv6 | datalink | routing | flow | interface | timestamp] options
Example 8-10 shows the commands that would be required to identify flows by the source and destination IP addresses and TCP source and destination port information and to record the packet and byte counts for each flow.
Example 8-10. Sample Flow Record Configuration
router(config)# flow record test-record-name router(config-flow-record)# match ipv4 source address router(config-flow-record)# match ipv4 destination address router(config-flow-record)# match transport tcp source-port router(config-flow-record)# match transport tcp destination-port router(config-flow-record)# collect counter packets router(config-flow-record)# collect counter bytes
Flow Monitors
The flow monitors attach to an interface where the traffic information is captured, either in an incoming (input) or outgoing (output) direction. However, before the flow monitor is assigned to an interface, it must be configured. The flow monitor requires that at least a NetFlow record format is configured to operate. At this point, a flow exporter can also be configured; this is covered in the next section. Also note that the support for IPv6 records was added in Release 12.3(20)T. The command syntax required for flow monitor configuration is as follows:
router(config)# flow monitor flow-monitor-name router(config-flow-monitor)# record [flow-record-name | netflow | netflow- original] {ipv4 | ipv6} {original-input | original-output}
Example 8-11 shows the configuration of the test monitor name flow monitor with a custom flow record named test-record-name.
Example 8-11. Sample Flow Monitor Configuration
router(config)# flow monitor test-monitor-name router(config-flow-monitor)# record test-record-name
Flow Exporter
A flow exporter is used to take the inactive (default = 15 seconds) or long-active (default = 30 minutes) records and export them to a remote system for analysis and/or storage. The command syntax required for flow exporter configuration is as follows:
router(config)# flow exporter flow-exporter-name router(config-flow-exporter)# destination [hostname | ip-address] router(config-flow-exporter)# transport udp port router(config-flow-monitor)# exporter flow-exporter-name
Example 8-12 shows the configuration of a flow exporter named test-exporter-name with a destination address of using UDP port 1234. This example then shows the flow exporter being applied to a flow monitor.
Example 8-12. Sample Flow Exporter Configuration
router(config)# flow exporter test-exporter-name router(config-flow-exporter)# destination router(config-flow-exporter)# transport udp 1234 router(config-flow-monitor)# exporter test-exporter-name
Flow Sampler
A flow sampler, as stated previously, is used when the amount of processing is either too much for the device to handle or is simply higher than acceptable. Two modes of sampling can be utilized:

- Deterministic: When using the deterministic mode, traffic is sampled at a configured interval; this mode requires less overhead than random mode. Deterministic mode is recommended when traffic patterns are random in nature.
- Random: When using random mode, traffic is sampled randomly; this mode should be used to eliminate any potential monitoring bias and to counter any user attempting to avoid monitoring.
The command syntax required for flow sampler configuration is shown as follows:
router(config)# sampler sampler-name router(config-sampler)# mode {deterministic | random} 1 out-of window-size
Example 8-13 shows the configuration of a flow sampler named test-sampler with deterministic sampling with a window size of 2.
Example 8-13. Sample Flow Sampler Configuration
router(config)# sampler test-sampler router(config-sampler)# mode deterministic 1 out-of 2
Application of a Flow Monitor
The final step in this process is the application of the flow monitor on a specific interface. This application can be configured in either an incoming (input) or an outgoing (output) direction. The ip flow-monitor command is used to apply a specific flow monitor to an interface; the syntax for this command is as follows:
router(config-if)# ip flow monitor flow-monitor-name {sampler sampler-name} [multicast | unicast] [input | output]
Example 8-14 shows the application of a flow monitor named test-monitor-name onto the FastEthernet0/0 interface using the flow sampler named test-sampler on input traffic.
Example 8-14. Sample Flow Monitor Application Configuration
router(config)# interface FastEthernet0/0 router(config-if)# ip flow monitor test-monitor-name sampler test-sampler input
Flexible NetFlow Verification
Many different show commands can be used to verify Flexible NetFlow configuration.
To verify flow monitor configuration, enter the following command:
show flow monitor
To verify that a flow monitor is enabled on an interface, enter the following command:
show flow interface interface
To verify flow exporter configuration, enter the following commands:
show flow exporter show running-config flow exporter flow-exporter-name
To view the NetFlow cache, enter the following command:
show flow monitor name flow-monitor-name cache format [csv | record | table]
To view flow sampler configuration, enter the following command:
show sampler
Additional Flexible NetFlow Information
A lot more information is available at Cisco.com that was not possible to fit into this book. To gain access to this information, go to www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios/fnetflow/configuration/guide/12_4t/fnf_12_4t_book.pdf.
Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (Unicast RPF)
On modern networks, one of the most common attack types involves the forging or spoofing of IP source addresses. The configuration of ACLs for this purpose on large networks can be very cumbersome and hard to maintain. In an attempt to develop a technology to deal with these issues, Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (URPF) was developed. Unicast RPF provides a source validation step to packet handling; it does this by verifying the source information of a packet to information contained within the Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) Forwarding Information Base (FIB). The CEF FIB is a table that contains packet-switching information that mirrors that of the routing table; this is used by the device to increase the speed of packets being forwarding through the device. Because Unicast RPF relies on CEF's FIB, CEF must be configured on the device before Unicast RPF is configured.
Unicast RPF operates in one of two modes:

- Strict (normal): When in strict mode, Unicast RPF verifies that the source address is in the FIB and that the source address was received on the best return route interface as determined by CEF. This operation, while thorough, can also be troublesome if routing is multihomed. This is because the best return path might not be the same as the receiving interface; because of this, strict Unicast RPF is limited to single-homed connections. Unicast RPF will also work in situations where there are multiple equal-metric best paths available; this includes Enhanced IGRP (EIGRP) configurations where metric variance is configured. The recommended applications for strict Unicast RPF include (a) where only single connections are available to enter/exit the network, including the edge of a network, or (b) where single-homed customer connections connect into the core network because this would meet the single-homed requirement.
- Loose: Loose mode verifies only that the source address exists within the FIB and not the interface. Loose mode allows additional flexibility to implement Unicast RPF in locations where multihoming is common, including within a network.
Another important thing to understand about Unicast RPF is that it only works on incoming (input) interfaces. So, if a single-homed connection existed between the network and an ISP, RPF would be configured to monitor traffic coming from the ISP only. The use of Unicast RPF also increases the performance of the device over using traditional ACL methods of spoofing protection; this is because, unlike ACLs, Unicast RPF operates at CEF forwarding rates. When configuring Unicast RPF on interfaces over 1 Mbps, this processing difference is important.
Unicast RPF Configuration
The first thing that must be configured before starting Unicast RPF configuration is to enable the use of CEF. The ip cef distributed command enables the use of CEF; the syntax for this command is as follows:
ip cef {distributed}
The next part requires enabling Unicast RPF on the incoming interface. The ip verify unicast source reachable-via command is used to enable the use of Unicast RPF on an interface; the syntax for this command is as follows:
ip verify unicast source reachable-via [rx | any] {access-list}
The use of the rx or any keyword determines which mode that Unicast RPF will operate in; rx is used for strict mode and any is used for loose mode. An access list can also be specified with this command; its purpose is to determine whether the traffic will be dropped (default behavior - deny) or forwarded (permit). It is important to understand that this access list is not considered unless the packet fails the Unicast RPF check.
Unicast RPF Verification
A few commands can be used to verify the operation of Unicast RPF.
To verify that Unicast RPF is operational, enter the following command:
show cef interface interface
To verify global Unicast RPF packet count, enter the following command:
show ip traffic
To verify the number of interface Unicast RPF packet drops (verification drops)/forwards (suppressed verification drops), enter the following command:
show ip interface interface