Welcome Center
To simplify the process of setting up a new computer, Windows Vista includes the Welcome Center. This screen pulls all the tasks you'll most likely want to complete when you set up your computer into a single location. Such tasks include connecting to the Internet, adding user accounts for different people, and transferring files and settings from another computer using Windows Easy Transfer. You can also identify the edition of Windows Vista by looking at the Welcome Center (see Figure 3.7).

Figure 3.7 The Windows Welcome Center.
The Welcome Center automatically displays when you use the computer for the first time. You can choose to have it display every time you start your computer or turn it off. The Welcome Screen displays information about your PC (such as CPU type and amount of RAM) and provides access to both utilities and links to downloads from the Microsoft website (or from the original equipment manufacturer [OEM] where the PC was purchased).
On the lower-left side of the screen, you will find a Run at Startup box. Uncheck this box and close the Welcome Center. When you next reboot, the Welcome Center will not be displayed. To visit the Welcome Screen in the future, click the Start button, click Control Panel, click System and Maintenance, and then click Welcome Center.