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Students benefit from study material that has been subjected to rigorous technical review by experts, ensuring both thoroughness and technical accuracy.
Gives students realistic practice with an exam designed to closely match the content and approach of Microsofts own certification exam.
Gives students even more hands-on practice to ensure that they are fully prepared for the actual certification exam.
Gives students the benefit of Ed Tittels world-class expertise in preparing certification candidates rapidly and effectively.
Gives students ongoing access to a wide range of valuable resources for mastering and staying up-to-date with Windows Server 2003 networking technologies.
Offers students a single source for concise review of every topic they need to master in order to pass Microsoft's exam.
Helps students make the most of their study time and make absolutely sure they understand the concepts that matter most.
This book is ideal for MCSA/MCSE's looking to update their certification for Windows Server 2003.
Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Network Infrastructure
Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Network Infrastructure for MCSE Exam 70-293
1. Microsoft Certification Exams.
2. Server Roles and Security.
3. Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Network Infrastructure.
4. Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining Routing and Remote Access.
5. Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining Server Availability.
6. Planning and Maintaining Network Security.
7. Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining Security Infrastructure.
8. Sample Test #1.
9. Answer Key to Sample Test #1.
10. Sample Test #2.
11. Answer Key to Sample Test #2.
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