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Cisco authorized self-study book for CCNA fundamentals
Prepare for the CCNA INTRO exam 640-821 or CCNA exam 640-801 with a Cisco authorized self-study guide. You'll learn how to:
CCNA Self-Study: Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies (INTRO) is a Cisco authorized, self-paced learning tool for fundamental CCNA knowledge. This book helps you become literate in the basics of internetworking, TCP/IP, and the use of Cisco IOS Software on Cisco switches and routers. An excellent introduction to computer networking, this book addresses fundamental terms and concepts as well as basic procedures for working with the Cisco command-line interface (CLI) to configure and operate Cisco IOS devices.
Designed as a self-study guide for the INTRO component of the CCNA exam, this comprehensive tutorial imparts important knowledge and skills necessary to describe and identify major network and WAN components along with their functions and purposes. This book covers topics on network types, network media, switching fundamentals, TCP/IP, IP addressing and routing, WAN technologies, operating and configuring Cisco IOS devices, and managing network environments. Divided into three core parts, this book covers internetworking basics, internetworking layers, and administering Cisco devices. Each chapter ends with extensive review questions to test your knowledge acquisition.
Full of detailed information and easy-to-grasp tutorials, CCNA Self-Study: Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies (INTRO) presents fundamental internetworking terms, concepts, and components and shows you how to apply this information to configure basic network connectivity via serial and LAN networks using PCs, hubs, routers, and switches. Whether you are studying to become CCNA certified or are simply seeking to gain a better understanding of networking fundamentals using the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) seven layer model, you will benefit from the information presented in this book.
CCNA Self-Study: Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies (INTRO) is part of a recommended learning path from Cisco Systems that includes simulation and hands-on training from authorized Cisco Learning Partners and self-study products from Cisco Press. To find out more about instructor-led training, e-learning, and hands-on instruction offered by authorized Cisco Learning Partners worldwide, please visit
This volume is in the Certification Self-Study Series offered by Cisco Press. Books in this series provide officially developed training solutions to help networking professionals understand technology implementations and prepare for the Cisco Career Certifications examinations.
CCNA Self-Study: Network Media (The Physical Layer)
Download - 725 KB -- Chapter 4: Network Media (The Physical Layer)
1. Introduction to Internetworking.Network Computing Basics. Personal Computer Components. CPU and Memory. Storage Devices. Expansion Bus. Input and Output Devices. Network Computing Basics Section Quiz. Computer Numbering Systems. Computer Numbering Systems Section Quiz. Internetworking Fundamentals. Internetworking Fundamentals Section Quiz. Principles of Data Communications. Data Communications Process. Encapsulation. De-Encapsulation. Principles of Data Communication Section Quiz. Chapter Summary.
2. Internetworking Devices.Defining Network Components. Mapping Business Needs to a Hierarchical Model. Physical Network Versus Logical Network. Network Topology Section Quiz. Functions of Internetworking Devices. Collision and Broadcast Domains. Layer 1 Devices. LLC Sublayer Frames. Layer 2 Class of Services. Data Link Layer Devices. Layer 3 Quality of Service Marking. Router Operation at the Network Layer. Functions of Internetwork Devices Section Quiz. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions.
3. Common Types of Networks.LANs Overview. Ethernet. Fast Ethernet. Gigabit Ethernet. LANs Overview Section Quiz. WANs Overview. WANs Overview Section Quiz. Services Networks. Services Networks Section Quiz. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions.
4. Network Media (The Physical Layer).Cabling and Infrastructure. Cabling and Infrastructure Section Quiz. Choosing LAN Cabling Options. LAN Cabling Options Section Quiz. Understanding WAN Cabling. Understanding WAN Cabling Section Review. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions.
5. Layer 2 Switching Fundamentals (The Data Link Layer).Understanding Shared Ethernet Technologies. Consuming Bandwidth. Understanding Shared Ethernet Technologies Section Quiz. Bridged and Switched Ethernet. Categorizing Switches by Bandwidth. Categorizing Switches by Layer Functionality. Switching Frames. Flooding the Network. Loops in a Switched Network. Preventing Loops. Bridged and Switched Ethernet Section Quiz. Virtual LANs. Virtual LAN Section Quiz. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions.
6. TCP/IP (The Transport and Internetworking Layer Protocol).IP Internet Layer Overview. IP Internet Layer Overview Section Quiz. The Transport Layer. How TCP and UDP Use Port Numbers. Establishing a TCP Connection: The Three-Way Handshake. Flow Control for TCP/UDP. Transport Layer Section Quiz. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions.
7. IP Addressing and Routing (The Internetworking Layer).IP Network Addressing. IP Network Addressing Section Quiz. IP Subnetting. IP Subnetting Section Quiz. Routing Basics. Routing Basics Section Quiz. Routing Protocols. Link-State Routing Protocols. Hybrid Routing Protocols. Routing Protocols Section Quiz. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions.
8. Using WAN Technologies.WAN Technology Basics. Multiplexing. WAN Technology Basics Section Quiz. WAN Access Technologies. WAN Access Technologies Section Quiz. Modems Advantages and Disadvantages of Cable Modems. Modems Section Quiz. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions.
9. Operating and Configuring Cisco IOS Devices.Basic Operation of the Cisco IOS Software. Console Error Messages for Cisco IOS Devices. Command History Buffer for Cisco IOS Devices. Basic Operation of the Cisco IOS Software Section Quiz. Booting a Cisco IOS Device. Booting a Cisco IOS Device Section Quiz. Configuring a Switch from the Command Line. Configuring a Switch from the Command Line Section Quiz. Configuring a Router from the Command Line. Configuring a Router from the Command Line Section Quiz. Managing Configuration Changes. Managing Configuration Changes Section Quiz. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions.
10. Managing Your Network Environment.Getting Information About Neighboring Devices. Getting Information About Neighboring Devices Section Quiz. Getting Information About Remote Devices. Getting Information About Remote Devices Section Quiz. Router Booting Sequence and Verification Commands. Router Booting Sequence and Verification Commands Section Quiz. Cisco IOS File System and Devices. Cisco IOS File System and Devices Section Quiz. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions.
Appendix A. Answers to the Chapter Review Questions and Quizzes.Download - 167 KB -- Index