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New Edition of the most effective router and switch simulator for hands-on CCNA skills enhancement is Now Available.
Includes 300 labs, 8 different lab topologies, and more than 3,000 hands-on tasks.
CCNA 640-802 Network Simulator, Second Edition (ISBN: 978-1-58720-444-9) helps you develop and improve hands-on configuration and troubleshooting skills without the investment in expensive lab hardware. This state-of-the-art, interactive simulation software enables you to practice your networking skills with more than 300 structured labs designed to help you learn by doing, the most effective method of learning. The labs are divided into four different types: 183 skill builder labs which help you practice short, focused configuration tasks, 47 complex configuration scenarios, which present realistic multi-layered configuration tasks, 20 challenging troubleshooting scenarios, which provide you with an opportunity to test your problem identification and resolution skills, and 50 subnetting exercises, which help you improve the speed and accuracy of your subnetting calculations.
CCNA 640-802 Network Simulator, Second Edition
ISBN: 978-1-58720-444-9
About the Previous Edition - Now Out of Print
CCNA 640-802 Network Simulator helps you develop and improve hands-on configuration and troubleshooting skills without the investment in expensive lab hardware. This state-of-the-art, interactive simulation software allows you to practice your networking skills with more than 250 structured labs designed to help you learn by doing, the most effective method of learning.
Experience realistic network device response as you work through each of the labs (available in electronic form on the CD), which include detailed instructions, topology diagrams, hints, and full answers. Unlike other simulators on the market, the lab scenarios included in the CCNA 640-802 Network Simulator are far more complex, challenging you to learn how to perform realistic network configuration and troubleshooting tasks.
This unique network simulation software helps you master the hands-on skills needed to succeed on the CCNA® exam. Topics covered include:
System Requirements:
Although this product was published before these operating systems were released, this product has been tested and successfully installed on Windows 7 platforms as well as Mac OS X Snow Leopard (version 10.6). If you experience any trouble installing the software on these platforms, please contact Pearson Customer Technical Support at:
Mastering Access Control Lists
To Route or Not to Route: A Day in the Life of a Router
Skill Builders
Switch CLI Exec Mode
Switch CLI Configuration Process (2 Labs)
Router CLI Exec Mode (2 Labs)
Router CLI Configuration Process
Setting Switch Passwords
Configuring Switch IP Settings
Setting Router Passwords
Configuring Router IP Settings
Configuring Local Usernames
Using and Suspending Telnet Connections
Configuring SSH
Migrating to a New IOS® Image
Setting the Configuration Register
Comparing Configuration Files
Examining the IP Routing Table
Using debug
Testing Using Pings with Hostnames
Ignoring the Startup-config File
Booting a New Router IOS
Terminal History I
Terminal History II
Topology Analysis
Interface Settings (3 Labs)
Switch Forwarding I
Switch IP Connectivity I
VLANs (3 Labs)
Interface Status (4 Labs)
Switch Security (4 Labs)
Configuring IP Addresses (4 Labs)
Connected Routes
Static Routes (4 Labs)
Default Routes
IP Classless
Subnet Zero (2 Labs)
Loopback Interfaces
RIP Configuration (6 Labs)
RIP Verification (2 Labs)
Configuring Hostnames
PC IP Commands (3 Labs)
Serial Link Configuration (4 Labs)
Interface Status (2 Labs)
Configuration Scenarios
The Initial Configuration Dialogue (Setup)
New Job I
Rebuild a Configuration
SSH and Telnet
Switch Interfaces and Forwarding
Switch IP Connectivity
Switch Security
Configuring VLANs
Subnetting and Addressing (3 Labs)
Static Routing (2 Labs)
RIP-2 Configuration (2 Labs)
RIP Auto-summary
Serial Link Configuration I
IP and MAC Address Comparisons
IP Classless
Troubleshooting Scenarios
Switch Forwarding I
Path Analysis I
Port Security
Network Discovery (2 Labs)
IP Addressing and Routing
IP Routing I
Skill Builders
VLAN Configuration (5 Labs)
VTP Configuration (5 Labs)
Trunking Configuration (4 Labs)
STP Analysis (2 Labs)
STP Configuration (3 Labs)
IP Addressing (3 Labs)
Traceroute I
Default Route I
Zero Subnet
Switch IP Address
ACL (6 Labs)
Named ACL (3 Labs)
ACL Analysis I
Routing Analysis I
Traceroute II
EIGRP Serial Configuration (6 Labs)
EIGRP Frame Relay Configuration (3 Labs)
EIGRP Authentication (2 Labs)
EIGRP Route Tuning (4 Labs)
EIGRP Neighbors (3 Labs)
OSPF Serial Configuration (6 Labs)
OSPF Router ID (2 Labs)
OSPF Frame Relay Configuration (3 Labs)
OSPF Authentication (2 Labs)
OSPF Metric Tuning (3 Labs)
OSPF Neighbors (5 Labs)
Serial Configuration (2 Labs)
Serial Authentication (2 Labs)
Frame Relay Configuration (5 Labs)
Frame Relay Verification (3 Labs)
NAT Configuration (7 Labs)
IPv6 Address Configuration (9 Labs)
IPv6 Routing Configuration (3 Labs)
IPv6 Hostnames
Configuration Scenarios
VTP Transparent Mode
VLAN Trunking (2 Labs)
STP Analysis I
STP Configuration II
IP Addressing and Configuration (2 Labs)
IP Default Routing and IP Classless
Default Routes
Standard ACL I
Extended ACL (2 Labs)
OSPF Configuration (3 Labs)
OSPF Metric Manipulation
EIGRP Serial Configuration I
EIGRP Configuration II
EIGRP Metric Manipulation I
EIGRP Variance and Maximum Paths I
Frame Relay Configuration I
Frame Relay Inverse ARP
Frame Relay Correlation
NAT Configuration (2 Labs)
IPv6 Configuration (2 Labs)
Troubleshooting Scenarios
Path Analysis (3 Labs)
Path Troubleshooting (4 Labs)
VLAN Troubleshooting I
OSPF Troubleshooting I
Routing Analysis III
Network Expansion
IP Routing II
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