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Cisco QOS Exam Certification Guide (IP Telephony Self-Study), 2nd Edition

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Cisco QOS Exam Certification Guide (IP Telephony Self-Study), 2nd Edition


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  • Copyright 2005
  • Dimensions: 7-3/8" x 9-1/8"
  • Pages: 768
  • Edition: 2nd
  • eBook
  • ISBN-10: 1-58720-277-8
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-58720-277-3

This is the eBook version of the print title. The eBook edition does not provide access to the CD content that accompanies the print book.

Official self-study test preparation guide for the Cisco QOS 642-642 exam. The official study guide helps you master all the topics on the QOS exam, including

  • QoS concepts, tools, and architectures
  • Modular QoS CLI (MQC), QoS Policy Manager (QPM), and AutoQoS
  • Classification and marking
  • Congestion management
  • Traffic shaping and policing
  • Congestion avoidance through drop policies
  • Compression tools and link fragmentation and interleaving (LFI) tools for link efficiency
  • LAN QoS
  • QoS best practices

The CCVP certification validates a robust set of skills in implementing, operating, configuring, and troubleshooting a converged IP network. A solid understanding of quality-of-service (QoS) features and implementation is essential for CCVP certification and is also a core component of the CCIP® certification.

Cisco QOS Exam Certification Guide, Second Edition, is a best-of-breed Cisco® exam study guide that focuses specifically on the objectives for the QOS 642-642 exam. Senior instructor and best-selling author Wendell Odom and senior AVVID consultant Michael Cavanaugh share preparation hints and test-taking tips, helping you identify areas of weakness and improve your QoS knowledge. Material is presented in a concise manner, focusing on increasing your understanding and retention of exam topics.

Cisco QOS Exam Certification Guide, Second Edition, presents you with an organized test preparation routine through the use of proven series elements and techniques. “Do I Know This Already?” quizzes open each chapter and allow you to decide how much time you need to spend on each section. Exam topic lists and Foundation Summary tables, figures, and snapshot information make referencing easy and give you a quick refresher whenever you need it. Challenging chapter-ending review questions help you assess your knowledge and reinforce key concepts. The companion CD-ROM contains a powerful testing engine that allows you to focus on individual topic areas or take complete, timed exams. The assessment engine also tracks your performance and provides feedback on a module-by-module basis, presenting question-by-question remediation to the text. Well-regarded for its level of detail, assessment features, and challenging review questions and exercises, this book helps you master the concepts and techniques that will enable you to succeed on the exam the first time.

Cisco QOS Exam Certification Guide, Second Edition, is part of a recommended learning path from Cisco Systems® that includes simulation and hands-on training from authorized Cisco Learning Partners and self-study products from Cisco Press. To find out more about instructor-led training, e-learning, and hands-on instruction offered by authorized Cisco Learning Partners worldwide, please visit www.cisco.com/go/authorizedtraining.


This volume is part of the Exam Certification Guide Series from Cisco Press®. Books in this series provide officially developed exam preparation materials that offer assessment, review, and practice to help Cisco Career Certification candidates identify weaknesses, concentrate their study efforts, and enhance their confidence as exam day nears.

Sample Content

Table of Contents


1. QoS Overview.

    "Do I Know This Already?" Quiz.

      QoS: Tuning Bandwidth, Delay, Jitter, and Loss Questions.

      Traffic Characteristics of Voice, Video, and Data Questions.

      Planning and Implementing QoS Policies.

    Foundation Topics.

    QoS: Tuning Bandwidth, Delay, Jitter, and Loss.





      Summary: QoS Characteristics: Bandwidth, Delay, Jitter, and Loss.

    Traffic Characteristics of Voice, Video, and Data.

      Voice Traffic Characteristics.

      Video Traffic Characteristics.

      Data Traffic Characteristics.

    Planning and Implementing QoS Policies.

      Step 1: Identify Traffic and Its Requirements.

      Step 2: Divide Traffic into Classes.

       Step 3: Define Policies for Each Traffic Class.

    Foundation Summary.


2. QoS Tools and Architectures.

    "Do I Know This Already?" Quiz.

      QoS Tools Questions.

      Classifying Using Flows or Service Classes Questions.

       The Differentiated Services QoS Model Questions.

      The Integrated Services QoS Model Questions.

    Foundation Topics.

    Introduction to IOS QoS Tools.

      Classification and Marking.


      Shaping and Policing.

      Congestion Avoidance.

      Link Efficiency.

      Call Admission Control.

    Classifying Using Flows or Service Classes.

      Flow-Based QoS.

      Class-Based QoS.

      Proper Planning and Marking for Enterprises and Service Providers.

    The Differentiated Services QoS Model.

      DiffServ Specifications and Terminology.

      DiffServ Per-Hop Behaviors.

    The Integrated Services QoS Model.

      Comparison of the Three QoS Models.

    Foundation Summary.


3. MQC, QPM, and AutoQoS.

    "Do I Know This Already?" Quiz Questions.

      Cisco Modular QoS CLI.

      The Cisco QoS Policy Manager.

      The Cisco AutoQoS Feature.

      Comparisons of CLI, MQC, and AutoQoS.

    Foundation Topics.

    Cisco Modular QoS CLI.

      The Mechanics of MQC.

      Classification Using Class Maps.

      Performing QoS Actions (PHBs) Using policy-map Commands.

      Enabling a Policy Map Using service-policy.

      Show Commands for MQC.

    QoS Policy Manager (QPM).

      SNMP Support for QoS.

    Cisco AutoQoS Feature.

      AutoQoS VoIP for Routers.

      AutoQoS VoIP for Cisco IOS Switches.

      AutoQoS VoIP for 6500 Cat-OS.

    Comparisons of CLI, MQC, and AutoQoS.

    Foundation Summary.

    For Further Reading.


4. Classification and Marking.

    "Do I Know This Already?" Quiz Questions.

      Classification and Marking Concepts Questions.

      Classification and Marking Tools Questions.

      Classification Issues when Using VPNs Questions.

    Foundation Topics.

    Classification and Marking Concepts.



      Classification and Marking Design Choices.

    Classification and Marking Tools.

      Class-Based Marking (CB Marking) Configuration.

      Miscellaneous Features of Class-Based Marking.

    Classification Issues when Using VPNs.

      Classification and Marking Before Entering the VPN Tunnel.

      Classification and Marking on the Router Creating the VPN Tunnel.

      Configuring QoS Pre-classification.

    Foundation Summary.

    For Further Reading.


5. Congestion Management.

    "Do I Know This Already?" Quiz.

      Cisco Router Queuing Concepts Questions.

      Scheduling Concepts: FIFO, PQ, CQ, and MDRR Questions.

      Concepts and Configuration: WFQ, CBWFQ, and LLQ Questions.

    Foundation Topics.

    Cisco Router Queuing Concepts.

      Software Queues and Hardware Queues.

      Queuing on Interfaces Versus Subinterfaces and Virtual Circuits (VCs).

      Summary of Queuing Concepts.

    Scheduling Concepts: FIFO, PQ, CQ, and MDRR.

      FIFO Queuing.

      Priority Queuing.

      Custom Queuing.

      Modified Deficit Round-Robin.

    Concepts and Configuration: WFQ, CBWFQ, and LLQ.

      Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ).

      Class-Based WFQ (CBWFQ).

      Low Latency Queuing (LLQ).

      Comparisons of WFQ, CBWFQ, and LLQ.

    Foundation Summary.

    For Further Reading.


6. Traffic Policing and Shaping.

    "Do I Know This Already?" Quiz.

      Shaping and Policing Concepts Questions.

      Configuring Class-Based Shaping.

      Configuring Class-Based Policing.

    Foundation Topics.

    Traffic Policing and Traffic Shaping Concepts.

      When and Where to Use Shaping and Policing.

      How Shaping Works.

      How Policing Works.

       Summary of CB Policing Mechanics.

    Class-Based Shaping Configuration.

      Setting Bc to Tune Tc.

      Tuning Shaping for Voice Using LLQ and a Small Tc.

      Shaping to a Peak Rate.

      Miscellaneous CB Shaping Configuration: Adaptive Shaping.

      Miscellaneous CB Shaping Configuration: Shaping by Percent.

      Comparing CB Shaping and FRTS.

    Class Based Policing Configuration.

      Policing a Subset of the Traffic.

      Configuring Dual-Rate Policing.

      CB Policing Miscellany.

       CB Policing Configuration Summary.

    Foundation Summary.


7. Congestion Avoidance Through Drop Policies.

    "Do I Know This Already?" Quiz.

      Congestion-Avoidance Concepts and RED Questions.

      WRED Questions.

      ECN Questions.

    Foundation Topics.

    Congestion-Avoidance Concepts and Random Early Detection (RED).

      TCP and UDP Reactions to Packet Loss.

      Tail Drop, Global Synchronization, and TCP Starvation.

      Random Early Detection (RED).

    Weighted RED (WRED).

      How WRED Weights Packets.

      WRED and Queuing.

      WRED Configuration.

      WRED Summary.

    Explicit Congestion Notification.

      ECN Concepts.

      ECN Configuration.

    Foundation Summary.


8. Link Efficiency Tools.

    "Do I Know This Already?" Quiz.

      Compression Questions.

      Link Fragmentation and Interleave Questions.

    Foundation Topics.

    Payload and Header Compression.

      Header Compression.

      Class-Based TCP and RTP Header Compression Configuration.

     Link Fragmentation and Interleaving.

      Multilink PPP LFI.

      Frame Relay LFI Using FRF.12.

      Multilink PPP Interleaving Configuration.

      Frame Relay Fragmentation Configuration.

      MLP LFI and FRF.12 Configuration: The Short Version.

    Foundation Summary.

    Compression Tools.

    LFI Tools.


9. LAN QoS.

    "Do I Know This Already?" Quiz.

      Classification and Marking.

      Congestion Management.



    Foundation Topics.

    The Need for QoS on the LAN.

      Buffer Overflow (Overrun).

    The Cisco Catalyst 2950.

    Classification and Marking.

      Layer 2 Header Classification and Marking.

      Layer 3 Header Classification and Marking.

      Layer 2-to-Layer 3 Mapping.

      Trust Boundaries.

      Using MQC for Classification and Marking.

    Congestion Management.

      Strict Priority Scheduling.

      WRR Scheduling.

      Strict Priority and WRR Scheduling.



    Foundation Summary.

    For Further Reading.


10. Cisco QoS Best Practices.

    "Do I Know This Already?" Quiz.

    Foundation Topics.

    The Need for QoS Best Practices.

    End-to-End QoS.

    QoS Service Level Agreements.

    Application Requirements for QoS.

      Voice Traffic.

      Video Traffic.

      Data Traffic.

    QoS Best Practices Methodology.

      Classification and Marking Best Practices.

      Congestion Management Best Practices.

      Congestion Avoidance Best Practices.

      Policing Best Practices.

    QoS Case Studies.

      Enterprise Campus QoS Implementations.

      Enterprise (CE) to Service Provider (PE) WAN QoS Implementations.

      Service Provider (PE) to Enterprise (CE) WAN QoS Implementations.

      Service Provider Backbone QoS Implementations.

    Foundation Summary.

    For Further Reading.


      Appendix A Answers to the "Do I Know This Already?"

      Quizzes and Q & A Sections.

    Chapter 1.

      "Do I Know This Already" Quiz.


    Chapter 2.

      "Do I Know This Already" Quiz.


    Chapter 3.

      "Do I Know This Already" Quiz.


    Chapter 4.

      "Do I Know This Already" Quiz.


    Chapter 5.

      "Do I Know This Already" Quiz.

      Q&A .

    Chapter 6.

      "Do I Know This Already" Quiz.


    Chapter 7.

      "Do I Know This Already" Quiz.


    Chapter 8.

      "Do I Know This Already" Quiz.


    Chapter 9.

      "Do I Know This Already" Quiz.

      Q&A .

    Chapter 10.

      "Do I Know This Already" Quiz.




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