Dr. Diann Sloan holds an associate degree in nursing from Northeast Mississippi Community College, a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Mississippi, and a master’s degree in nursing from Mississippi University for Women. In addition to her nursing degrees, she holds a master of science in education degree in counseling psychology from Georgia State University and a doctor of philosophy degree in counselor education. She has minors in both psychology and educational psychology from Mississippi State University. She has completed additional graduate studies in healthcare administration at Western New England College and the University of Mississippi. As a nurse educator, Dr. Sloan has taught pediatric nursing, psychiatric mental health nursing, and medical surgical nursing in both associate degree and baccalaureate nursing programs. As a member of Rinehart and Associates Nursing
Review, Dr. Sloan has conducted test construction workshops for faculty and nursing review seminars for both registered and practical nurse graduates. She has coauthored materials used in the item-writing workshops for nursing faculty and Rinehart and Associates Nursing Review. She is a member of the Sigma Theta Tau nursing honor society.