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D. J. Henry

Frank M. Carrano is a professor emeritus of computer science at the University of Rhode Island. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Syracuse University in 1969. His interests include data structures, computer science education, social issues in computing, and numerical computation. Professor Carrano is particularly interested in the design and delivery of undergraduate courses in computer science. He has authored several well-known computer science textbooks for undergraduates.

Frank’s Making it Real blog http://frank-m-carrano.com/blog/ extends his textbooks and lectures to a lively discussion with instructors and students about teaching and learning computer science.

Follow Frank on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Frank_M_Carrano

Find him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/makingitreal

For nearly thirty years, Dr. Timothy M. Henry, PMP, has been teaching computer science concepts along with managing information technology projects for the U. S. Coast Guard and IT consulting companies.  His professional expertise encompasses many areas of information technology - design, development, implementation, testing and security. Many of the projects managed by Dr. Henry have successfully used cutting edge secure communication and 3D interactive technologies in novel ways. He has over fifteen years experience teaching computer science and is currently a member of the Computer Science and Statistics faculty at the University of Rhode Island.
He earned his M. S. in Computer Science from Old Dominion University while serving as the IT Director at the Coast Guard's Reserve Training Center in Yorktown, VA. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Rhode Island in 2001.