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- About the Exam Cram Professional Cert Booklist
- Jul 20, 2011
- In this episode Tim Warner describes the "other" Exam Cram titles, covering such non-IT disiplines as police officer, armed services, nursing, and public school teaching certification.
- Expanding Your Vocabulary for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Exam
- Feb 11, 2005
- If you are preparing for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Exam, you will need a healthy vocabulary. This chapter will help you to expand your vocabulary by gaining a deeper understanding of the mechanics of language.
- General Test-Taking Strategies for the Postal Clerk and Carrier Exam
- Mar 4, 2005
- This sample chapter offers general advice on preparing for an exam, irrespective of the content. Included are ways to relax, confidence-boosting exercises, and simple things you might forget, like making sure to take the weather into account so you aren't late.
- General Test-Taking Strategies for the Postal Clerk and Carrier Exams
- Jan 27, 2006
- This chapter presents tips for preparing yourself mentally and physically for the Postal Clerk and Carrier Exams, but the pointers offered can be helpful in preparing for any standardized test.